Admissions 2025-2026 - Applications for all undergraduate programmes will be available from 15th December 2024.    

Faculty Authored Books


Sl.No Name of the author(s) Title of the Paper Title of the Book/ Proceedingsofthe Conference Name of the publisher ISBN Year of Publication
1. Dr.D.Raja Jebasingh, Dr. L. S. Sridhar Education for Sustainable Development:AnAnalysisof Transforming Education for Sustainable Futures Proceedings of the National Conference on “SkillsDevelopmentfor SustainableGrowthand Empowerment” NCSDSGE – 2023 Coimbatore Institute of InformationTechnology, Coimbatore 978-93-91347-53-6 2023
2. Ms.Nikita Chung Food and Trends: Seeking ComfortintheTimeofaGlobal Lockdown Post Pandemic Perspectives: Public Health,Management and Socioeconomics Authorspress 978-93-5529-783-9 2023
3. Dr.Emil Joseph Case Studies with Treatment InterventionsamongTenFamily Businesses in Istanbul Case Studies with TreatmentInterventions among Ten Family Businesses in Istanbul BP International 978-93-89562-22-4 2024
4. Dr.Komal A Dave An Empirical study on weak form of efficient market hypothesis–topsixhighestGDP earning countries InternationalConference on Innovations and Challenges in Multidisciplinary Research and Practices (ICICMRP - Virtual2023) Conference Proceedings INSPIRA,Jaipur,Rajasthan, India 978-93-91932-86-2 2023
5. Dr.Komal A Dave Preference of Millenial Women TowardsEco-friendlyMenstrual Cups-AStudyFromBengaluru Urban District Proceeding of the 3rd international Conference on Re-inventingBusiness Practices, start- ups and Sustainability (ICRBSS2023),Advances in Economics, Business and Management Research-277 AtlantisPress-Springer Nature 978-94-6463-374-0 2024
6. Dr. Komal ADave,Mr. Mohammed Ashfaque Z TheimpactofExternalDebton the Indian Economy- An Analytical Study Technology and Business Model Innovation:Challenges and Opportunities SpringerNature, Switzerland 978-3-031-53998-5 March 2024
7. Dr. K. Karunakara n - Green Marketing: ConceptsStrategiesand Applications in the Indian Context HimalayaPublishing House 978-9356936232 2023
8. Dr. K. Karunakara n - ProductDevelopment and Pricing Amity University, DirectorateofDistanceand Online Education 978-9356936232 2023
9. Dr. K. Karunakara n - MarketingManagement HimalayaPublishing House 978-93-5693-548-8 -
10. Dr.Sridhar L S - TradeFinanceandForex Risk Management SymbiosisInternational University 978-81-967839-5-2 -
11. Ms. Maryanne Pais - PromotingMindfulness and Well-Being with Indian Psychology. IGI Global - -
12. Mr. Mohammed Ashfaque Z An Empirical Study on Weak Form of Efficient Market Hypothesis–TopSixHighest GDP Earning Countries InternationalConference on Innovations and Challenges in Multidisciplinary Research and Practices (ICICMRP - Virtual2023) Conference Proceedings INSPIRA,Jaipur,Rajasthan, India 978-93-91932-86-2 -
13. Mr. Mohammed Ashfaque Z "Preference of Millenial Women TowardsEco-friendlyMenstrual Cups-AStudyFromBengaluru Urban District" Proceeding of the 3rd international Conference on Re-inventingBusiness Practices, start- ups and Sustainability (ICRBSS2023),Advances in Economics, Business and Management Research AtlantisPress-Springer Nature 978-94-6463-374-0 -

Booksedited/Chapters inedited books

Name of the Teacher/ Author Title of the paper Title of the Book/ Proceedings of the Conference Name ofthe publisher ISBN Year of publication
Ms.Ankitha Antony - ContemporaryHuman Resource Practices Notionpress. com 979-8-88749- 823-2 2022
Dr Antony Oliver ‘Sreemad Bhagwad Geeta Mein Sarvaangeen Shiksha Padithi’ Proceedings of the InternationalSeminaron 21vi sadi mein Sreemad Bhagwad Geeta Ki Prasangikta Himachal Pradesh Kala EvanSanskritik Vibhag,Shimla 978-93-93765- 08-6 2023
Dr. D. Raja Jebasingh andDr.L.S. Sridhar Educationfor sustainable development: ananalysisof Transforming educationfor sustainable futures Proceedings of the National Conference onSkillsDevelopment forSustainableGrowth and Empowerment (NCSDSGE) Coimbatore Institute of Information Technology, Coimbatore 978-93-91347- 53-6 2023
DrPoornima Vijaykumar - Co-authoredabooktitled Impact of Green Business Strategies on Consumers BuyingBehaviourtowards Green Products Published by Archers &Elevators Publishing House (P), Hesaragatta MainRoad, Bangalore, Karnataka 978-93- 90996-23-0 2022
DrPoornima Vijaykumar Unmanned AerialVehicle Brands Fan Page Engagement Behavior Analytics Co-authored a book chapter titledin the booktitledUnmanned Aerial Vehicles and Multidisciplinary ApplicationsUsingAI Techniques Publishedby IGI Global Engineering Science Reference ISBN13: 97817998 87638|IS BN1 0: 1799887 634|ISBN13 Softcover: 978179988 7645|EIS BN13:978 17998 87652, 2022
Sl.No Name of the book ISBN Name of Author Name of Co-Author Publisher
1. "The Question ofBeingIndia'sNortheast" in Prose Writings fromNortheast India 978-81-950217-4-1 Dr.AnusuyaAPaul EditedbyMalsawmiJacobandJaydeepSarangi SahityaAkademi
2. Samadhigalu Pratibhatisuvudilla -AnAnthologyofPoems 978-93-5620-755-4 Dr.THLavakumar - St.Joseph’sCollegeofCommerce(Autonomous)
S.No Name of the book ISBN Name of Author Name of Co-Author Publisher
1. Re-imagining Higher
Education: An SJCC
Experience – A
Compendium of Best
978-93-5445-358-8 Dr. Daniel Fernandes, SJ - St. Joseph’s College of Commerce (Autonomous)
2. Quality Paradigms in Higher Education:
Institutional Policies
at SJCC – A Handbook
978-93-5457-335-4 Dr. Daniel Fernandes, SJ - St. Joseph’s College of Commerce (Autonomous)
3. Impact of Stree Shakthi Programme on Socio-Economic Empowerment of Marginalised Women in Karnataka 978-93-89555-98-1 Dr. Poornima Vijaykumar - Sapna Publishers
4. Unsung Heroines Who Work from Dawn to Dusk, Socio-Economic Empowerment of Women through Self-Help Groups: In Select Rural Districts of Karnataka 978-620-2-53138-2 Dr. Poornima Vijaykumar Christina Aroojis, Preemal Maria D'souza Lambert Academic Publishing
5. Cryptocurrencies and Blockchain Technology Applications 9781119621201 Vedapradha R Hariharan Ravi & Arockia Rajasekar Scrivener Publishing LLC
6. Diaspora 978-620-3-30718-4 Dr Neeti Roy - Lambert Academic Publishing
7. Tourism Marketing 978-93-90157-08-2 Dr. Raja Jebasingh Ms. Lalitha Krishna Murthy, Dr. Arockia Rajasekar DPS Publishing House
S.No Name of the book Publisher ISBN Name of Author
1. An empirical study of
working capital management
Lambert Academic Publishing 978-620-0-53047-9 Dr. Ruqsana Anjum
2. Kichillada Bege Shramana Prakashana 978-81-939983-0-4 Dr. T.H.Lavakumar
3. Migrant Construction
Status in Bengaluru
The Reality
Lambert Academic Publishing
(International Publication)
976-620-059542-4 Ms. Muktha Kumar
4. Impact of Monetary policy
accouncements on pricing
of shares - Astudy
Lambert Academic Publishing 978-620-0-78398-1 Dr. Ravi Darshini
5. A study on credit risk
management of educational
loan in Indian banks
Lambert Academic Publishing 978-620-0-78717-0 Dr. Suganthi Pais
S.No Title Publisher ISBN Author Co-author
1. Financial Accounting McGraw Hill
Education (India)
Private Limited
13: 978-93-87572-84-3 Ms. RuqsanaAnjum -
2. Corporate Accounting McGraw Hill
Education (India)
Private Limited
13: 978-93-87572-83-6 Ms. RuqsanaAnjum -
3. Advanced Financial
McGraw Hill
Education (India)
Private Limited
13: 978-93-5316-478-2 Ms. RuqsanaAnjum -
4. Advanced Corporate
McGraw Hill
Education (India)
Private Limited
13: 978-93-5316-477-5 Ms. RuqsanaAnjum -
5. Advanced financial
Mayas Publishers 978-93-87756-55-7 Dr. Selvi S -
6. Pigmy Deposit
Schemes : Role
in Micro-savings and
Employment Creation
Academic Publishing
978-613-9-92333-5 Ms. Komal A Dave Ms. TasmiyaHussni
S.No Name of the FacultyMember Title of the Book/ Monograph Publisher ISBN
1. Dr.L. Augustin Amaladas (2017) Environmental Accounting
Quantitative Approach -
Indian Based Company
Academic Publishing
2. Dr. Karthika &
Dr.Padmasani (2017)
Export problems and
Prospects of MSMEs in
Textile industry
Scholar Press,Germany 978-620- 2-30597- 6
3. Dr. Sridhar LS Price Discovery of Equity
Index Futures and Spot
Market in India
Scholar Press,Germany 978-3-639-66955-8
4. Ms. RuqsanaAnjum Financial Accounting Tata Mcgraw Hill
Publishing Co Ltd
S.No Name of the Faculty Member Title of the Book / Monograph Publisher ISBN / ISSN
1. Dr. Anupama S.Kotur (Kaddi) A Case Study on
Wine Tourism in India
Cab International ,
2. Mr. Gridhar Naidu Principles and
Practice of Auditing
Skyward Publishers
3. Mr.Mohamed Ashfaque 'Enterprise Resource Planning -
Concepts and Thoughts'
Scholars Press 978-3-330-65047-3
4. Dr.D.RajaJebasingh HRD Climate in Health
Care Industry
Lambert Academic
Germany (In Print)
5. Vedapradha. R, Dr.HariHaran Ravi ERP - Panacea to Business Scholar Press, Germany 978-3-659-84475-1
S.No Name of the faculty member Name of the book ISBN No. Publishers Name
1. Dr. Hariharan Ravi Corporate Governance and the
Performance of Banks in India
978-3-639-71049-6 Scholars’ Press , Germany
S.No Name of the Faculty (s) Title of the Book Name of the Publisher and Place
1. Prof. Augustin Amaldas & Ms.Anitha Mary Cost Management Kalyani Publishers, Bangalore
S.No Author Title of the Book Name of the publication
1. Mr. Augustin Amaladas Stock market and commodity market Kalyani Publications
2. Ms .Clara John Stock market and commodity market Kalyani Publishers
S.No Author Title of the Book Name of the publication
1. Prof. Augustine Amaladas Corporate Financial Knowledge integration Himalaya Publishing House, Bangalore
ISBN: 97-93-5051-688-1
2. Dr. D. Raja Jebasingh Organizational Behaviour Thakur Publishers, Bengaluru
ISBN: 978-93-82249-67-2