The Institution adopts the Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) system for evaluation and grading.
The modalities and operational details of the credit system are as follows:
1. Papers are marked in the conventional way for 100 marks which is broken into two components one CIA for 40 marks and 60 Marks written examination at the end of the semester for 2 ½ hours for all U.G. Programmes.
For P.G. Papers are marked in the conventional way for 100 marks which is broken into two components one CIA for 30 marks and 70 Marks written examination at the end of the semester for 3 hours for all P.G. Programmes.
2. The Percentage obtained by a student is multiplied by the standard grade to obtain the Product.
3. The Total of the Products of grade points of all the subjects is divided by the total of all the Credits. This gives the average grade point.
4. For the sake of more common understanding the weighted average is then converted into grades.
Evaluation of students is done for each of these Additional Courses and grades will then be awarded. However, the results of these courses will not be considered for Ranking. No student is eligible for his/ her degree without passing these mandatory courses.
Grading System for Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) - The College adopts a ten point grading system. The modalities and the operational details are as follows.
Grade Points – Grade Points – The papers are marked in a conventional way for 100 marks. The marks obtained are converted to grade point according to the following table. If a student is absent for the paper the grade point assigned is 0.
Percentage (%) Marks | Grade Points |
95-100 | 10 |
90-94 | 9.50 |
85-89 | 9 |
80-84 | 8.50 |
75-79 | 8 |
70-74 | 7.50 |
65-69 | 7 |
60-64 | 6.50 |
55-59 | 6 |
50-54 | 5.50 |
45-49 | 5 |
40-44 | 4.50 |
Below 40 | 0 |
The Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) - is the weighted average of all the subjects undergone by a student over all the six semesters of a programme. CGPA = Σ Total credits in the Semester x SGPA / Total credits of the course. SGPA and CGPA will be rounded off to two.
MINIMUM FOR A PASS: A PG student has to get a minimum of 40 per cent marks in the CIA (12/30) and minimum of 40 per cent in ESE (28/70) and 40 per cent aggregate in CIA & ESE (40/100) for a pass in each subject. The minimum SGPA to qualify for the PG degree is 5.00 and a pass in all subjects.
Grade Points – The papers are marked in a conventional way for 100 marks. The marks obtained are converted to grade point according to the following table. If a student is absent for the paper the grade point assigned is 0.
Percentage (%) Marks | Grade Points |
95-100 | 10 |
90-94 | 9.50 |
85-89 | 9 |
80-84 | 8.50 |
75-79 | 8 |
70-74 | 7.50 |
65-69 | 7 |
60-64 | 6.50 |
55-59 | 6 |
50-54 | 5.50 |
45-49 | 5 |
40-44 | 4.50 |
Below 40 | 0 |
The Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) - is the weighted average of all the subjects undergone by a student over all the six semesters of a course. CGPA = Σ Total credits in the semester x SGPA / Total credits of the course. SGPA and CGPA will be rounded off to two decimal places. Interpretation of SGPA/CGPA/
SGPA/ CGPA | Grade | Result/Class Description |
9.00 - 10.00 | O | Outstanding |
8.00 - 8.99 | A+ | First Class Exemplary |
7.00 - 7.99 | A | First Class Distinction |
6.00 - 69.99 | B+ | First Class |
5.50 - 5.99 | B | High Second Class |
5.00 - 5.49 | C | Second Class |
Below 4 | RA | To Re -Appear |