- About Us
- Admission
- Academics
- Examination
- Research
- Placements
- Student Support
- Anti - Ragging
- Citizenship Training
- Counselling
- Equal Opportunity Centre
- Mentorship
- Mid day Meal Scheme
- Scholarship
- Sexual Harassment (Prevention and Redressal)
- Students Welfare
- Capability Enhancement and Development Schemes
- Assessing Learning Levels
- International Desk
- Student Grievance Redressal Committee SGRC
- St. Joseph's Boys Hostel - Apply
- Outreach
- Student Activities
- Infrastructure
- Sports
- Alumni Activities
The campus ethos of St. Joseph’s College of Commerce is constituted of an academic fraternity committed to the advancement of learning; dedicated to serious curricular and non-curricular activities, creative in thought and action, and productive both at the individual and public space. It entails special concern for the disadvantaged, for women, and respects the sanctity of a person going out of his way to be in service to others.
On this campus while camaraderie and restful relaxation have a place, ennui and a cynical attitude is anathema as being harmful to the Josephite image. In essence our ethos is what the founder of the Jesuits order calls, “MAGIS”, the greater, the higher – the greater in everything.