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Dr. Charles Lasrado , SJ
Email : principal@sjcc.edu.in / charleslasrado@sjcc.edu.in
Fr. Lasrado, started his academic career as lecturer in Commerce at St. Aloysius College, Mangalore in 1996.In the same year, he was invited to be a part-time faculty at Mangalore University to teach “Security Analysis and Portfolio Management” to the M. Com students.
He joined St. Joseph’s Evening College (SJEC) in 1999. Besides teaching Statistics, Business Mathematics, Business Law, Cost Accounting, and Income Tax at SJEC, he functioned as Vice-Principal (2001 -2004) and Principal (2004-05) of SJEC. He also functioned as director of SJCC (2005-06) and HOD of PG department at SJCC (2008-09).
In 2011, he was deputed to serve as Asst. General Treasurer of the Society of Jesus, based in Rome. After his tenure of service of about 10 years, he returned to SJEC in February 2021 and was appointed as the principal of SJCC in June 2021. His area of research is Financial Econometrics. Besides academics he enjoys dramatics, reading and running!