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Dr. Theresa Rathi Rani
HOD- Business Administration
Email :
Dr. Rathi completed her Ph.D in 2020 from the Bharathiar University, Coimbatore
under the title “Performance of Stocks in Indian Capital Market during and after
Global Recession.” . The research focuses on defensive stocks whose performance
does not slump even during economic downturn. The findings of the research could
assist and motivate investors to continue with investments and not to withdraw from
the markets in spite of recessions.
She completed her M.Com. at the Manonmaniam Sundaranar University,
Tirunelveli, bagging the 5th Rank, and a PGDCA from St. Xavier's College
(Autonomous), Palayamkottai. She completed her M.Phil., in 2008 specializing in
Finance with her thesis entitled, "Performance of Mutual Funds in India" from the
Bharathiar University, Coimbatore
She joined SJCC in 2007 where she teaches subjects like Financial Management,
Accountancy, Security Analysis and Portfolio Management, Financial Modelling, etc.
She has also qualified the National Eligibility Test for Lectureship conducted by
UGC. She has presented papers on “Investor’s Perception on Prices of Gold, Nifty
and Forex” and “Impact of Recession on the Luxury Goods Market in India”. She has
shouldered various responsibilities in the college which includes being the Staff
Secretary, Women's Forum Coordinator, International Desk Coordinator and Student
Council Governor. She was the Coordinator of the B.Com. (Travel & Tourism)
Programme from the year 2019 to 2022. Currently she heads the Department of
Business Administration.