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Dr. A.M.Sheela
Email :
M.A., Ph.D
Doctorate in Economics from Bangalore University
Twenty years of teaching experience
Associate Prof in Economics in St Josephs College of Commerce, from 1996-2000,2004 till date.
Worked as guest faculty and as Lecturer in Govt Colleges
Visiting Professor to ICDAI and Gems B School, Bangalore.
Teaching Economics and Allied theory subjects in the field of Commerce and Management at the Undergraduate and post graduate level.
Article published by Southern Economist- vol 50, No 14 November 15,2011.- An empirical investigation into the relationship between the U.S economy and the economies of selected Countries
Article entitled, “Changing consumer preferences-its effect on organized and unorganized food retailing in Bangalore city”-International Journal of Business Management and science Vol I Issue 4 December 2011 Issn-2279 7463.
Article entitled, “Impact of organized food retailing on traditional food retailers-a study in Bangalore City”, Asian Journal of Research in Social Sciences and Humanities Vol II, Issue11, Feb 2012 Issn 2250 1673.
Article entitled Growth and Changing Directions of Indian Textile Exports in aftermath of the WTO, published in the International Research Journal of Social Science and management ISSN2251-1571
Article entitled Impact of Social Economic factor on Child Development among Urban Poor – a study in Bangalore, India, In European Scientific Journal Issn 1857-7881 Vol 9, No23, August 2013
Article entitled – Higher Education System in India: An analysis of the GER, Published in the Compendium (with ISBN code) of National Seminar Conducted by St Josephs College of Commerce, Bangalore, September 2012
Article entitled Dynamics of Field Crops in Karnataka: Implications of Climate Change, (1970-71 to 2010-15), published in research Journal of social science and Management ISSN 2251 1571.
Women and the working environment”- A study of the organized sector in Bangalore District. paper published in the National Conference, Holy Cross College , Trichy Trends in Cotton Textile exports-the after math of the Phase out in 2008(in Print)
Presented a paper at the National Seminar on the “Consumption pattern of Working Women in Bangalore city, in Tamil Nadu, in February 2006. Presented a paper in Christ University on the Global recession and its impact on Urban poor –A study in Bangalore city in December 2010
Presented a paper on Direction of India’s International Trade in the University of Jaffna, Srilanka in March 2014
Social sciences and market research covering a broad spectrum of issues related to poverty , slum studies, study on marginalized communities like the Devadasis, labour studies specific to migration, Village level socio economic studies.
Projects completed
University Grants Commission, Govt of India
"Impact of Global recession on the urban poor- a study of Bangalore city”. Completed in 2010
Climate Change and its impact on the Livelihoods in the Eastern Dry Zone of Karnataka completed in 2015 Planning Commission, Govt of India
"Impact of organized retailing on the unorganized retailers in Bangalore city". Completed in 2009 Bangalore Jesuit Educational Society-Jesuits Society , Karnataka
"Child health and Educational status among the Urban poor- A study in Bangalore Slums”,
Socio Economic Appraisal of the Devadasi System –A study with special reference to Vijayapur and Bagalkot Districts of Karnataka,
On going Projects
Major Research project sponsored by ICSSR, New Delhi, titled , Identifying Growth Drivers of a Village Economy in the Dry tract of Karnataka: A Social Accounting Matrix Approach, to be completed in March 2018
Socio Economic implications of Migration on the livelihoods of Agricultural and unorganized Labourers in Bijapur district-ongoing research work sponsored and jointly done with the Bijapur Educational society.
She has more than twenty years of teaching experience in St Josephs Commerce College, Bangaloreapart from being a visiting faculty to some of the reputed B schools in Bangalore. An avid researcher in the field of social science, she completed her graduation from Mount Carmel College , Bangalore, and post-graduation in Economics from Bangalore University. She completed her Doctorate Studies on women studies related once again to Economics.
Though initially started off teaching Economics to undergraduate students, over the years she has also ventured to teaching many theory subjects in the field of Commerce and Management at the graduate and post graduate level. Research work being her passion at the professional level, she has published many articles in National and International Journals. She also penned a Book titled Hotel Economics published by New Age publications. India, specifically for Hotel Management students. Apart from teaching she was working as Editor in the Instuition’s Research Centre for a period of three years. During the period, she had conducted three National Seminars sponsored by the UGC, New Delhi. She was also the editor for Bi-annual Research journal and Bi annual student Journal, besides three seminar compendiums released with ISBN no.
She has Successfully completed six research projects in diverse areas of Economics, Social work, slum studies, migration studies besides successfully completing a research project on Climate change in the southern region using secondary of over sixty years. All these projects were sponsored by the UGC, Planning Commission and ICSSR, New Delhi, all reputed Organisations of the Govt of India. Three projects were sponsored by the Institution in order to bring interventions through projects results.