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CQAC (College Quality Assurance Cell)
This body includes all the Heads of the departments, one member from each department and the Total Quality Management (TQM) Team. CQAC meetings will be held in the beginning, during the course of and at the end of every academic year. Year plan will be prepared at the beginning of the year by CQAC. This body ensures that all quality mechanisms are in place, listen to views of the students, responds and ensures outcomes are communicated and reported to the concerned departments and participates in quality assurance processes. This body monitors policies, strategies set for academic standards and quality assurances for the programs that are being taught, initiates learning opportunities and mode of delivery.
SQAC is the Student’s Quality Assurance Cell, a part of the Internal Assurance Cell (IQAC). The SQAC functions under IQAC Co-ordinator, St. Joseph’s College of Commerce. The aim of SQAC is to improve the academic and administrative performance of the Institution by incorporating student’s perspectives in all academic matters. The SQAC team in SJCC was formally inducted on 9th August 2018 with 38 students from all Undergraduate and Postgraduate classes totally to 38 numbers of students.
Students Representatives from each class, who enrol themselves voluntarily to the IQAC Coordinator, are nominated as SQAC members after due scrutiny with the respective class mentors and Heads of the Department.
The student’s members of the SQAC support the institution in all its academic endeavours, helps to create a learner-centric environment, internalise the quality culture and institutionalize the best practices that are followed by the Institution. The IQAC interacts with members of SQACs in all matters of academics and encourages student’s participation in the quality initiatives of the IQAC department including voice their views and opinion in matters of College Governance. In particular, they specifically
1. Coordinating with the Departments for monitoring the following activities
• Tutorials
• Notes & Assignments
• Seminars Of Students
• Remedial Classes
• Make-Up And Improvement Tests
2. Feedback Process
• Parents
• Industry Experts/Academicians who visit the college
• Executives of professional bodies.
• Alumni
• Collection of exit feedback from final year students at the end of the academic year
3. Involvement in SWOT Analysis
The identification of the strengths and weaknesses the courses /programs that are carried out by the institution.