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Yoga Orientation for International Students: A Yoga event was organised for the participants of the student exchange program by the International desk of SJCC. The participants were given an insight into the Yoga Culture in India by leading them through a practice session of various Yoga postures (Asanas) breathing exercises (Pranayama) and mindfulness (Meditation ). They were also introduced to various yogic concepts through a brief lecture session.
The college also organises a Stay Fit Program to encourage the students to take up the practice of yoga in order to improve their mental health, reduce stress and increase relaxation during these times of uncertainty and chaos.
The yoga sessions are conducted for a course of four weeks with one session conducted each week. The form of yoga taught during these sessions is Hatha Yoga. The format followed by each of the instructors was kept standard, which began with a centring process followed by a short warm-up, the main asanas, the cooldown and was ended with the centring process again. The format and breathing techniques are focused upon during these sessions. The purpose of these sessions is to familiarise participants with the practice of Yoga so that students develop an interest in it as they experience the benefits of Yoga. They are regularly organized in the college auditorium where certified yoga instructors are invited to the college to train the students.Since the online classes have started, these sessions are held once a week on Wednesdays, for an hour, on M.S. Teams.
International Yoga Day is celebrated by organizing yoga sessions and talks on the importance of practicing yoga. A Yoga practice session was organised by the student council and the sports department of SJCC for the International Yoga Day 2019. An external yoga instructor led our students through a sequence of yoga postures, breathing exercises, and mindfulness. This academic year, the Sports Department started its activities for World Yoga Day on June 21st ,2020. Students sent in videos of themselves practicing the ancient form of meditation and stressed on the importance of practising Yoga during this time of crisis.
Coordinator:Sports Director
- Anti Ragging
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- Mid Day Meal
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Sexual Harassment
(Prevention and Redressal) - SQAC
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Academic Support to
Students - International Desk
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- Student Grievance Redressal Committee SGRC