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Capitaline database
Capitaline database is a sister product of Capital Market, India's foremost investment fortnightly. The specialized expertise in data collection, standardisation and presentation built up since 1985 has earned Capitaline database the highest level of respect and confidence in the financial information Industry
>> Access to Capitaline
DELNET was started at the India International Centre Library in January 1988 and was registered as a society in 1992. It was initially supported by the National Information System for Science and Technology (NISSAT), Department of Scientific and Industrial Reseach, Government of India.
>> Access to DELNET
The Project entitled "National Library and Information Services Infrastructure for Scholarly Content (N-LIST)", was jointly executed by the e-ShodhSindhu Consortium, INFLIBNET Centre and the INDEST-AICTE Consortium
>> Access to NLIST
EBSCO Business Source Elite
This database provides full-text coverage of top business, management and economics journals and periodicals. These valuable publications cover topics such as accounting, banking, finance, international business, marketing, sales and more.
>> Access to EBSCO