- About Us
- Admission
- Academics
- Examination
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- Placements
- Student Support
- Anti - Ragging
- Citizenship Training
- Counselling
- Equal Opportunity Centre
- Mentorship
- Mid day Meal Scheme
- Scholarship
- Sexual Harassment (Prevention and Redressal)
- Students Welfare
- Capability Enhancement and Development Schemes
- Assessing Learning Levels
- International Desk
- Student Grievance Redressal Committee SGRC
- St. Joseph's Boys Hostel - Apply
- Outreach
- Student Activities
- Infrastructure
- Sports
- Alumni Activities
The library provides the following demanding and anticipatory services to the users.
⚫ Lending service
⚫ Reference service
⚫ Referral service
⚫ CAS service
⚫ External database access
⚫ Book bank service
⚫ Question paper bank
⚫ Internet access
⚫ Photo copying service
⚫ Interlibrary loan service.
Plagiarism checking service
SJCC Library offers Plagiarism Checking Service using an 'Urkund' tool to its registered
users. URKUND is a completely automated system against plagiarism and is being successfully used at
universities and university colleges in India.
Urkund is UGC suggested tool for plagiarism prevention online tool which permits
researchers to relate their contents against the web content to ensure the work is original
before submission. Library has a paid license to this tool. To get the plagiarism checking
similarity report, please write to us at libinfo@sjcc.edu.in along a soft copy of the
document ( ie. thesis, dissertation, manuscript of article, assignment etc.) and the file
format to be in PDF, DOCX. The users who have credentials to access Urkund, they may
directly access it by visiting https://secure.urkund.com/account/auth/login
For more information contact Librarian